
Veronica was a snobbish girt at Angel Grove High who did not get along with either Aisha or Tanya.
Homeworld Earth
First seen Stop the Hate Master, Part I
Last seen Game of Honor
Portrayed by Charity Hill
Series Mighty Morphin Power Rangers

Veronica used to run the Angel Girls Club, but she was later expelled by the other girls when they found out that she was rejecting potential members based on their family’s income, including Aisha.

At a later point, Veronica and her new boyfriend, Shawn, walked up to Tanya while she was watching Adam train for an upcoming kung fu tournament. When Tanya greeted Veronica, Veronica responded dismissively, insinuating that she was above talking to her. Veronica also scoffed at Tanya’s mention of Adam’s secret weapon; honor, which suggested that she didn’t share the same values.