Anti-Sonic Foam Gun

The Anti-Sonic Foam Gun was a device built by Alpha 5 to use in the battle against Rita Repulsa’s Grumble Bee monster.
First seen Grumble Bee
Last seen Grumble Bee
Series Mighty Morphin Power Rangers

Building the weapons

The Grumble Bee was a monster created by Finster under the orders of Rita Repulsa. The monster had the ability to use its wings to vibrate at such a frequency that would temporarily incapacitate anyone who heard it.

Alpha builds the Anti-Sonic Foam Gun
Alpha builds the Anti-Sonic Foam Gun

Observing that the Rangers were at a significant disadvantage, Alpha 5 built the Anti-Sonic Foam Gun to help stop the monster. The device was built in the Command Center from a set of blueprints that may have predated the battle with the Grumble Bee. During construction, Alpha accidently set one of the components called a Hemulator backwards in the device. Alpha corrected the mistake and was able to teleport the new device directly into the hands of the Blue Ranger.

Blue Ranger receives the Anti-Sonic Foam Gun
Blue Ranger receives the Anti-Sonic Foam Gun

When the Blue Ranger received the new device, he recognised that he knew just what to do with it, without any explanation or guidance from Alpha 5 required.  

Powers and abilities

The Anti-Sonic Foam Gun was a device approximately 60 cm in length and mostly blue in color. It possessed a black handle at one end and a silver barrel at the other.

Blue Ranger prepares to fire the Anti-Sonic Foam Gun
Preparing to fire the Anti-Sonic Foam Gun

The tubes that made up the length of the body of the device appeared to be ridged from end to end. Near the barrel end of the device was a blue rectangular box that was emblazoned with the insignia of the Triceratops. In addition, this part of the device was held by the other hand of the operator in order to steady and aim the device. The Blue Ranger used the device against the Grumble Bee. A flurry of white foam was directed out of the device through the barrel.

Blue Ranger using the Anti-Sonic Foam Gun
Blue Ranger using the Anti-Sonic Foam Gun

Upon landing on the monster, the foam quickly coagulated into a thick blue-colored glue-like substance. Now covered in glue, the Bee was prevented from moving its wings and attacking the Rangers. [MMPR1: “Grumble Bee“]