Ice Device

The Ice Device was an weapon designed by Billy and Zack to freeze Lord Zedd’s fire-breathing Saliguana monster.
First seen Putty on the Brain
Last seen Putty on the Brain
Series Mighty Morphin Power Rangers

The need for an ice device

Lord Zedd sent the Saliguana- a creature created by the combination of an iguana and the mythical salamander. Capable of both living in and breathing fire, Billy hypothesized that the only way to defeat it would be to use a method of cooling.

Building the Ice Device
Building the Ice Device

Billy reasoned that while the monster could breath fire, it’s biology was still based on that of the cold blooded iguana. Zordon tasked Billy and Zack to implement the solution. Billy and Zack built the new machine in Billy’s garage laboratory.

Just as the machine’s construction was completed, the Saliguana attacked Angel Grove, leaving Billy no time to test its effectiveness. To reassure him, Trini advised Billy to bring an extra computer chip with him and join the battle.


Fighting the Saliguana

Zack attempted to use the extinguisher against the monster’s fire attacks but it proved to be useless against him. While fighting the monster, Billy realised that they had designed the machine with a backflow inhibitor but hadn’t actually installed it.


Luckily, the extra computer chip Trini told him to bring was just what he needed to make the extinguisher function properly. With the chip installed, the extinguisher was able to block and push back the Saliguana’s fire breath. [MMPR2: “Putty on the Brain“]