Space Dumpster

The Space Dumpster was the magical cylinder conjured to imprison Rita Repulsa and her servants for 10,000 years.
First seen Day of the Dumpster
Last seen Once a Ranger, Part I
Series Mighty Morphin Power Rangers

Day of the Dumpster

When two astronauts were exploring Earth’s moon, they spotted a large object embedded on the surface. Approaching it, one observed it looked like a giant space dumpster and suggested that they attempt to open it. As one put his hand on top of it, a red jewel began to glow and the two men slid the lid off and dropped it to the side.

The Space Dumpster
The Space Dumpster

The astronauts were knocked to the ground as Goldar, Finster, Squatt and Baboo all teleported out of the dumpster and appeared on the ridge beyond it. The terrified astronauts began to run away as Squatt approach the dumpster, calling on Rita. Moments later, Rita emerged from the dumpster and used her magic wand to blast the dumpster apart. As Rita and her crew set their sights on Earth, they left the mangled wreck of the dumpster littered on the moon’s surface. [MMPR1: “Day of the Dumpster“]

Rita destroys the dumpster
Rita destroys the dumpster

Lord Zedd’s new dumpster

When Lord Zedd returned to the moon palace, he deemed Rita’s attempts to capture the planet a failure. He instructed his Putties to bring him Rita’s travelling vehicle, which Rita recognised as another space dumpster. This dumpster appeared similar to the previous one, but was not identical. The dumpster appeared to be much smaller inside, perhaps because it was intended for a single occupant. Shrinking Rita so that she was only a few inches tall, Zedd had Rita placed inside the dumpster and the lid was sealed.

Goldar closes the dumpster lid
Goldar closes the dumpster lid

As two Putties carried the dumpster to the throne room balcony, Zedd used his staff to blast the cylinder off into the farthest reaches of the universe. As Rita sat inside the swirling smoke of the dumpster, she vowed to return. [MMPR2: “The Mutiny, Part I“]

Later that day, Alpha was able to use the Viewing Globe to see inside Rita’s new dumpster as it hurtled through space. Rita appeared to be doing her best to entertain herself, singing as her imprisonment began. [MMPR2: “The Mutiny, Part II“]

The Woman that fell to Earth

Despite his best efforts, Rita didn’t appear to be sent far. In mid 1994, a few months after being imprisoned, Rita’s dumpster crashed into the park in Angel Grove. The impact was so loud that it could be heard from miles away. Bulk and Skull, identifying it as the sign they’d been waiting for in their quest to identify the Power Rangers, found the dumpster and decided to take it. The dumpster was so hot from reentry that it burned Bulk’s hands when he tried to touch it. Moments later, when Billy touched the crater the crash had caused, he too received a burn to his hand.

Bulk and Skull find the dumpster
Bulk and Skull find the dumpster

Retreated to Skull’s dad’s garage, they attempted to open the dumpster with a variety of tools. The pair attempted to open it with a crowbar, a spoon and a drill, the noise of which woke up Rita as sparks rained down around her. As the drill failed to open the dumpster, Bulk resorted to using a chainsaw, which caused Rita to scream so loudly she could be heard outside of the dumpster over the noise of the chainsaw. [MMPR2: “White Light, Part I“]

Escaping the dumpster

Bulk became frustrated at the lack of progress, stating that despite using every tool in the workshop, they could still not penetrate the canister. Skull however, had an idea to open the dumpster and decided to pay Ernie a visit. As they left, Rita was able to open the lid of the dumpster from the inside, but could not keep it open. Bulk and Skull later returned with a giant, oversized can opener which they used on the dumpster.

The dumpster flying through space
The dumpster flying through space

Meanwhile, their efforts were noticed by Alpha 5 on the Viewing Globe. Zordon instructed Jason, Kimberly and Zack to morph to the garage to stop Rita from escaping. Exhausted from their efforts, Bulk and Skull admitted defeat. However, unbeknownst to them, Rita had managed to open the lid and escape. Drawing their attention, Rita caused Bulk and Skull to faint from shock as they saw her. Before Rita could get far, the Power Rangers loomed over her, with the Black Ranger picking her up and resecuring her in the dumpster. Billy, Tommy, Zack and Jason would later take the dumpster to hills outside of the Command Center. Alpha 5 then used an energy beam from the Command Center to teleport the dumpster back into space. [MMPR2: “White Light, Part II“]

Rita lands the dumpster
Rita lands the dumpster

Months later, Rita appeared to had developed some rudimentary control over the course of the dumpster. She was able to steer it and crash land it on the surface of the moon. The impact of the crash was visible even during daylight to the teens, who were eating breakfast in Sydney harbour in Australia at the time. As the dumpster lay on its side on a crater, Rita was able to knock the lid off and escape. [MMPR2: “The Wedding, Part I“]

The Sentinel Knight dumpster

Thrax in the space dumpster
Thrax in the space dumpster

At some point prior between 1998 and 2007, the Sentinel Knight became involved in a conflict with Rita and Zedd’s offspring, Thrax. The Sentinel Knight, determined to bring Thrax to justice, used some of his own power to summon a space dumpster. The Knight managed to imprison Thrax within it, and cast it to the surface of the moon where it remained undisturbed. However, as the Sentinel Knight grew weaker, Thrax was able to burst from within the dumpster, destroying it.

Thrax's dumpster on the moon
Thrax’s dumpster on the moon

Thrax’s dumpster shared more design similarities with Rita’s original dumpster than the one conjured by Lord Zedd. However, despite being approximately the same size, the design and markings of its lid appeared to be more embossed.