MMPR Artifacts
Altar of Magic
The Altar of Magic was a set of magical artifacts used by Rita Repulsa to cast spells over humans and summon monsters.
The Arrowhead was a magical stone used to control evil spirits that was split in half and shared between Tommy Oliver and David Trueheart.
Badges of Darkness
The Badges of Darkness were powerful psuedomorphing devices that could allow Putty Patrollers to morph into evil mirror images of the Power Rangers.
Crystal of Nightmares
The Crystal of Nightmares was a magical object that caused humans to suffer confidence-shattering nightmares while asleep, leaving them weakened when awake.
Deandra Flowers
The Deandra flowers were magical flowers that were used by the Yellow Ranger to cure the effects of Shellshock's freeze ray.
Ecocyte Pearl
The Ecocyte Pearl was a giant submerged pearl located at the bottom of the ocean which could summon the Oysterizer monster.
Green Candle
The Green Candle was a candle formed of magic wax that was used in an attempt to steal the Green Ranger powers from Tommy and transfer them to Rita.
Green Crystal
The Green Crystal was a magical stone utilised by Lord Zedd to store the drained powers of the Green Ranger and raise a forcefield around the Command Center.
Growth Grenades
Growth Grenades were magical ordinance used by Lord Zedd to allow his monstrous creations to grow to giant size.
Hallucination Dust
Hallucination Dust was used by the Trumpet Top monster to cause the Power Rangers to see hallucinations of monsters they had defeated in the past.
Heart Necklace
The heart necklace was a family heirloom given to Aisha by her grandmother which emitted positive energy waves.
Jealousy Potion
The Jealousy Potion was a magical liquid used by Lord Zedd to infect Kimberly with an intense jealousy towards those around her.
Kahmalan Masks
The Kahmalan masks were ancient masks borrowed by the Power Rangers to defend themselves from the Face Stealer, an ancient Kahmalen monster.
Lightning Diamond
The Lightning Diamond was a rare, powerful source of energy used to fuel the Bookala's spaceship and was coveted by Lord Zedd.
Love Potion
The Love Potion was a magical mind-altering substance created by Finster, that was used on Lord Zedd and later used by Rito and Miss Chief.
Magic Candles
The Magic Candle were a set of four candles made of a magic wax that were used in an attempt to steal the Mighty Morphin Power Rangers' powers.
Magic Lamp
The Magic Lamp was the home and power source of the Genie, a magical creature that Rita found in another galaxy.
Magic Rope
The Magic Rope was an enchanted rope summoned by Goldar that could not only restrict movements, but also prevent those tied up with it from teleporting.
Magic Wand
The Magic Wand was the magically imbued staff of Rita Repulsa which allowed her to cast magic spells and enlarge monsters.
Mirror of Destruction
The Mirror of Destruction was an ancient magical object that could destroy anything that looked upon its reflective surface.
Mirror of Regret
The Mirror of Regret was an enchanted mirror given to Goldar by Lord Zedd that could drain the self-confidence of those reflected in it.
Orb of Doom
The Orb of Doom was a magical crystal ball that was strong enough to destroy a planet and was shown to turn the Earth back in time.
Pearls of Stillness
The Pearls of Stillness were magical jewelry owned by the Oysterizer. These pearls could cast a stillness spell over everyone around them.
Power Coin Box
The Power Coin box was a magical item used by Goldar to store the Ranger's Power Coins .
Power Eggs
The Power Eggs were two ancient eggs that contained a universe of power that could make a being unstoppable.
Punk Potion
The Punk Potion was a liquid concoction of Baboo's used to change Billy and Kimberly's personalities to that of aggressive punks.
Rivalry Rope
The Rivalry Rope was an enchanted rope conjured by Rita Repulsa, used to place a rivalry spell on Kimberly and Tommy.
Rock of Time
The Rock of Time was a magical stone used by Lord Zedd to make the Earth turn backwards in time, regressing the Power Rangers to children.
Serpent of Darkness
The Serpent of Darkness was a magical snake summoned by Goldar, whose venomous bite turned people into mindless evil drones.
Singing Squash
The singing squash was a rare flowering root vegetable that possessed magical properties and was used to counteract the punk personality spell afflicting Billy and Kimberly .
Sleep Dust
The Sleep Dust was a magical compound used by Goldar that could cause humans to fall asleep when inhaled.
Sleep Powder Moths
The Sleep Powder Moths were magical creatures that could cause humans to fall asleep when exposed to them.
Sleeping Potion
The Sleeping Potion was a concoction used by Squatt to poison Kimberly's uncle Steve.
Space Dumpster
The Space Dumpster was the magical cylinder conjured to imprison Rita Repulsa and her servants for 10,000 years.
Super Putty
Super Putty was a type of magical substance mined from Earth that finster used to create enhanced monsters and Super Putties.
Sword of Darkness
The Sword of Darkness was a powerful sword given to Rita's evil Green Ranger in order to keep him under her spell forever.
Sword of Light
The Sword of Light is an ancient artifact which permitted the transfer of large amounts of Ranger energy from one or more Power Rangers.
Sword of Power
The Sword of Power is a magical sword summoned by the Mighty Morphin Power Rangers that could grant the user a boost of power.
Wheel of Misfortune
The Wheel of Misfortune was a monstrous flying wheel created from an enchanted spinning wheel owned by Kimberly.
Z Staff
The Z Staff was a powerful staff formed from a serpent that Lord Zedd used to cast magic spells and create monsters.