Zeo Zords
This is the Zord of the Gold Ranger. It serves as a battle machine as well as a space faring vessel. It was shot down into the seas of Aquitar while being pursued by Varox Bounty Hunters, which put it out of action before it could be handed to the temporary Gold Ranger, Jason. (more…)
Red Battlezord
Created by Billy and Alpha, this was the first Power Ranger Zord controlled by telepathy (with help from a little Aquitian technology). (more…)
Super Zeo Zords
As Jason acted as the Gold Ranger on Earth, Trey gave him the Zeo Gems, which contained the Super Zeo Zords. These Zords, each designed in the shape of its respective Zeo Gem, assembled into the Super Zeo Megazord. (more…)
Warrior Wheel
This was another gift from Trey. As Pyramidas was still unavailable, Trey gifted Jason with Warrior Wheel to keep tip the balance of power in the Rangers' favour. (more…)
Zeo MegaBattlezord
The Battlezord can combine with the Zeo Megazord to form the Mega Battlezord. (more…)
Zeo Ultrazord
The Zeo Ultrazord can be formed in several ways. The Zord can house the Zeo Zords within its structure when standing, with Red Battlezord providing Canon Support. (more…)
Zeo Zords
Consisting of Zeo Zords I, II, III, IV and V, these Zords are the most advanced technologies used on Earth in 1996. (more…)