MMPR Arsenal
Blade Blaster
The Blade Blaster was the personal sidearm of each Mighty Morphin Power Ranger , capable of being used as a pistol or small sword.
Dragon Dagger
The Dragon Dagger was the personal weapon of the Green Ranger and the device used to summon and control the Dragonzord .
Dragon Shield
The Dragon Shield was the golden chest armor of the Green Ranger which could also be shared with other Power Rangers on request.
Metallic Armor
The Metallic Armor Defensive Shield was a protective element built into the suits of the Mighty Morphin Power Rangers and tapped directly into the Morphin Grid.
Ninja Power Coins
The Ninja Power Coins were the second sources of power used in the Power Morphers of the Mighty Morphin Power Rangers after their original coins were damaged.
Ninja Rangers
Powered by Ninja Power Coins, Ninja Rangers were the ninja forms of the last Mighty Morphin Power Ranger team.
Power Blaster
The Power Blaster was the weapon formed of the combined Power Weapons utilised by the Mighty Morphin Power Rangers .
Power Cannon
The Power Cannon was a large team cannon created by Alpha 5, sometimes used by the Mighty Morphin Power Rangers to destroy monsters created by Lord Zedd.
Power Coins
The Power Coins were the sources of power used in the Power Morphers of the Mighty Morphin Power Rangers .
Power Crystals
The Power Crystals were the crystal forms of the Mighty Morphin Power Rangers Power Coins that contained the essence of their morphing powers.
Power Daggers
The Power Daggers were the personal Power Weapon of the Yellow Mighty Morphin Power Ranger .
Power Morphers
The Power Morphers were the devices used in conjunction with the Power Coins to allow users to morph into the Mighty Morphin Power Rangers .
Ribbon Weapon
The Ribbon Weapon was a weapon given to the Pink Ranger by Zordon to fight against Lord Zedd's Bloom of Doom monster.
Thunder Slingers
The Thunder Slingers were a set of special pulse blasters guarded by Titanus . Each Thunder Slinger was capable of destroying Super Putties.