Twin Man

Twin Man was a monster who could create duplicates of the Rangers and their human counterparts.
First seen A Bad Reflection on You
Last seen A Bad Reflection on You
Portrayed by Bryan Cranston (voice)
Series Mighty Morphin Power Rangers

Twin Man had a sleek, metallic appearance with a distinctive mask. He wielded a silver rod that he could use as a weapon and to generate various effects. His main abilities included:

Twin Man’s strategy involved using his duplication abilities to create chaos among the Rangers. He transformed four Putties into duplicates of the teens, who could then take on the forms of the Rangers themselves. Twin Man disguised himself as the Red Ranger, adding to the confusion.

The real Rangers had to battle their own duplicates, making it difficult to identify friend from foe. Twin Man used his energy whip and kaleidoscope effect to disorient and attack the Rangers. His rod could cause explosions, adding to the chaos of the battle.

The turning point came when the real Red Ranger, Jason, struck Twin Man with his Power Sword, breaking his disguise. Once exposed, the Rangers combined their weapons to form the Power Blaster. The Power Blaster’s combined energy blast destroyed Twin Man, ending his threat and bringing clarity back to the team.