Super Zeo Gems

Trey gifted the Super Zeo Gems upon the Zeo Rangers. They were the remaining key to the Zeo power and had been in his care for over a millennium, waiting to be returned to their rightful owners.
First seen A Golden Homecoming
Last seen A Golden Homecoming
Series Power Rangers Zeo

Introduction and Discovery

The Super Zeo Gems, a vital element in the Power Rangers Zeo arsenal, were a gift from Trey, the Gold Ranger. Believed to have been lost forever by Zordon, these gems had actually been safeguarded by the Triforians for over a thousand years.

In a gesture of friendship and gratitude, Trey presented the Super Zeo Gems to the Rangers to aid them in their battle against the upgraded forces of King Mondo.

Presentation and Transformation

The Super Zeo Gems were given to the Rangers in a small black box lined with gold. Inside were five circular stones that looked like white crystals, each with a distinct shape and tint corresponding to the respective Ranger’s color: blue, green, yellow, pink, and red.

When Jason, the second Gold Ranger, held the glowing Golden Power Staff over the gems, they rose from the box, shining with golden light. This transformation marked the creation of the Super Zeo Zords, which then awaited the Rangers outside in the desert.