Zeo Power Sword

The Zeo Power Sword is the primary weapon of Zeo Ranger V Red, wielded by Tommy.
First seen For Cryin’ Out Loud
Last seen Dimensions in Danger
Series Power Rangers Zeo
Power Rangers Super Megaforce
Power Rangers Super Ninja Steel

This formidable weapon features a large star-shaped guard and is capable of channeling immense amounts of energy, which Tommy can use to execute powerful slashing attacks.

To summon the Zeo Power Sword, Tommy holds his hand over his visor, and the sword materializes from a red energy line drawing, with the star on the hand guard aligning perfectly with the star on his visor. This summoning process is a signature move of Zeo Ranger V Red and signifies the readiness for battle.

One of Zeo Ranger V Red’s special attacks involves both him and his sword glowing with intense red energy flames, with a red energy star line drawing appearing behind him. In this charged state, Tommy executes a slashing attack that sends a wave of flaming red energy following his blade, effectively striking and damaging his opponents. This powerful move showcases the destructive potential of the Zeo Power Sword, making it a crucial asset in combat against formidable enemies.

Throughout various battles, Tommy uses the Zeo Power Sword to dispatch numerous foes, often combining the sword’s energy capabilities with his own combat skills. The weapon’s versatility and power make it indispensable, whether for direct slashing attacks or for energy-based strikes that can penetrate and damage even the toughest adversaries.