Turbo Thunder Cannon

The Turbo Thunder Cannon is the designated Turbo weapon of the Green Turbo Ranger.
First seen Turbo: A Power Rangers Movie
Last seen Chase into Space, Part I
Series Power Rangers Turbo

It is an extremely powerful cannon, designed for heavy artillery use, and under normal circumstances, it would be mounted on a vehicle rather than carried by a person. This weapon’s primary function is to fire potent energy blasts, making it a formidable tool in combat. The Thunder Cannon can also fire energy blasts from its reverse side, although this is less common.

Tactical Deployments

The Turbo Thunder Cannon has been employed in various combat scenarios, showcasing its versatility and power. Initially, there was an instance where Adam, the Green Turbo Ranger, used the Thunder Cannon incorrectly with its main barrel pointing behind him. Despite this, the end he had pointed forward successfully fired a green energy beam. This highlights the weapon’s flexibility, even when not used in its intended manner.

In subsequent battles, Adam used the Thunder Cannon correctly, utilizing its main barrel to shoot powerful blasts of green energy. These energy blasts have proven effective against a variety of enemies, including large monsters and detonators. For instance, Adam used the Thunder Cannon to shoot green energy at Pharaoh, although Pharaoh deflected the energy with his staff, demonstrating the challenges the Rangers sometimes face with their powerful weapons.

Combination with Turbo R.A.M.

Like other Turbo weapons, the Turbo Thunder Cannon can combine with the other Turbo weapons to form the Turbo R.A.M. (Robotic Arsenal Mobilizer). This combination enhances the overall firepower and strategic capabilities of the Turbo Rangers. The Turbo R.A.M. serves as a critical component in their arsenal, allowing the Rangers to tackle even the most formidable opponents with a unified and potent attack.

Significant Battles

The Turbo Thunder Cannon has been crucial in several significant battles. After the emergence of Maligore from his lava pit, the Turbo Rangers summoned their individual Turbo Weapons, including the Thunder Cannon, to confront the threat. Despite Maligore’s imperviousness to their initial attacks, this instance underscored the importance of the Turbo Weapons in the Rangers’ strategy.

In another notable battle, the Thunder Cannon’s energy blasts were crucial in providing the necessary firepower against giant Porto. Although the reason for not summoning the Turbozords remains unclear, the use of the Turbo Thunder Cannon demonstrated its essential role in ground combat. Additionally, in a later battle, Adam used the Thunder Cannon to shoot green waves of energy, which washed over his suit, further emphasizing the weapon’s integral role in the Rangers’ combat tactics.