Dune Star

Dune Star is the Turbo Zord of the Yellow Turbo Ranger. Initially piloted by Tanya Sloan, the original Yellow Turbo Ranger, it later came under the control of Ashley Hammond.
First seen Turbo: A Power Rangers Movie
Last seen Chase into Space, Part I
Series Power Rangers Turbo
Length 25.8 m
Width 12.8 m
14.8 m

Dune Star is designed to combine with the other Turbo Zords to form the left leg of the Turbo Megazord. Dune Star resembles a two-door Jeep Cherokee and bears the number four. It plays a crucial role in forming the Turbo Megazord, specifically constituting the left leg of the Megazord. This Zord, like its counterparts, is equipped with Turbo technology, making it a powerful vehicle in battle.

Stealth and Detection

Similar to the other Turbo Zords, Dune Star is invisible to most radar systems, including the Subcraft’s sensors used by Divatox. This allows it to operate undetected during missions, providing a strategic advantage.

Key Appearances and Battles

Initial Appearance and Creation

The Turbo Zords, including Dune Star, were created by Zordon and Alpha 5. During their creation, the Viewing Screen in the Power Chamber displayed outlines of the Turbo Zords, which then appeared in a smoke-filled room elsewhere in the Power Chamber. Zordon mentioned that the Turbo Zords would possess the power and velocity of Turbo technology, enabling the Rangers to undertake their quest through the Nemesis Triangle.

Usage in Combat

Dune Star was introduced as the Yellow Turbo Ranger’s Turbozord, forming the left leg of the Turbo Megazord when in Zord size. A notable feature was the label “Power Vehicle” and “CR-1000” on a rear tire. This Zord’s durability was demonstrated when it rammed into Elgar’s evil vehicles without sustaining significant damage.

To chase after Justin and his out-of-control bicycle, Tommy summoned the car-sized Red Lightning, which dropped from the sky. Once inside, Red Lightning’s headlights flashed, and Tommy leapt from the Turbozord, tackling Justin and rescuing him from the bicycle.

Dune Star played a crucial role in several battles, including when it, alongside the other Turbo Zords, formed the Turbo Megazord to combat giant monsters. During one battle, Dune Star, forming the left leg of the Turbo Megazord, was smashed by a sledgehammer. Despite this damage, the Turbozords appeared undamaged in later episodes, although their power levels were notably low due to the energy drain.

Additional Features

Turbo Megazord Formation

Dune Star plays a vital role in forming the Turbo Megazord. When the Rangers summon their Turbozords, Dune Star combines with the other Zords to create the powerful Megazord. This transformation sequence involves all the Turbozords growing to standard Zord size and combining their unique features to form a formidable fighting machine.