Mountain Blaster

Mountain Blaster is the Turbo Zord of the Blue Turbo Ranger, Justin Stewart.
First seen Turbo: A Power Rangers Movie
Last seen Chase into Space, Part I
Series Power Rangers Turbo
Length 26.5 m
Width 17.8 m
18.2 m

It is the largest of the Turbo Zords and forms the main body of the Turbo Megazord, contributing to its torso, waist, and upper legs. Mountain Blaster is designed to be a formidable and durable vehicle, resembling a Ford Bigfoot truck.

Design and Capabilities

Mountain Blaster, bearing the number two, is a custom-built truck equipped with powerful features. When transformed into Zord size, it integrates with the other Turbo Zords to form the Turbo Megazord. The cockpit of Mountain Blaster is located within its structure, where Justin pilots the Zord.

Stealth and Detection

Like the other Turbo Zords, Mountain Blaster is invisible to most radar systems, including Divatox’s Subcraft sensors. This stealth capability allows it to operate covertly during missions, providing a strategic advantage in battles.

Initial Appearance and Creation

The Turbo Zords, including Mountain Blaster, were created by Zordon and Alpha 5 to provide the Turbo Rangers with advanced vehicles equipped with Turbo technology. During their creation, the Viewing Screen in the Power Chamber displayed Ranger-colored outlines of the Turbo Zords, which then appeared in a smoke-filled room. Zordon stated that the Turbo Zords would possess the power to carry the Rangers safely through the Nemesis Triangle.

Battle with Elgar’s Vehicles

Mountain Blaster demonstrated its durability when it rammed into Elgar’s evil vehicles without sustaining significant damage. This showcased the Zord’s strength and resilience in combat situations.

Phantom Ranger’s Power Ruby Incident

Porto mounted a giant battery pack containing the Phantom’s Power Ruby on the Turbo Megazord’s stomach, which is essentially the roof of Mountain Blaster. Justin noticed something attached to the “power module,” referring to this giant battery pack. Despite the modifications, Mountain Blaster continued to function effectively in battle.

Formation of the Turbo Megazord

Mountain Blaster plays a crucial role in forming the Turbo Megazord. By combining with the other Turbo Zords, it creates the main body structure, enabling the Megazord to perform various attacks and defenses. This transformation sequence is initiated by the Rangers summoning their Zords, which then combine to form the powerful Megazord.

Turbo Megazord

Mountain Blaster is integral to the Turbo Megazord’s formation, providing the core structure and stability. In the Turbo Megazord, Mountain Blaster forms the torso, waist, and upper legs, essential for the Megazord’s mobility and combat effectiveness.

Rescue Turbo Megazord

In addition to its role in the Turbo Megazord, Mountain Blaster can combine with Rescue Zords to form the Rescue Turbo Megazord. This versatility allows the Rangers to adapt to different combat scenarios, utilizing the strengths of both Turbo and Rescue Zords to maximize their effectiveness in battle.