Quadro Blaster

The Quadro Blaster is a multi-attack rifle designed by DECA. This weapon currently represents the most powerful artillery piece available to the Power Rangers In Space.
First seen A Ranger Among Thieves
Last seen To the Tenth Power
Series Power Rangers in Space

This weapon is a combination of the Lunar Lance, Satellite Stunner, Astro Axe, and Star Slinger, combining their energies into a single, devastating blast. The responsibility of summoning and firing the Quadro Blaster falls to Carlos, the Black Ranger.

Design and Formation

The Quadro Blaster is an innovative weapon that integrates the unique strengths of four individual Ranger weapons. The Lunar Lance provides the structural backbone, the Satellite Stunner acts as the primary firing mechanism, the Astro Axe adds additional power, and the Star Slinger contributes to the weapon’s stability and precision.

To form the Quadro Blaster, Carlos initiates a sequence that brings together these four weapons into a cohesive unit. This process is facilitated by his helmet display, which shows the weapons aligning into position. Once the formation is complete, the weapon is titled “MultiAttackRifle,” signifying its combined attack capabilities.

Tactical Deployment

The Quadro Blaster’s deployment in battle follows a precise sequence to ensure maximum effectiveness. Carlos takes a knee to stabilize the weapon, with T.J. behind him for additional support, and Cassie and Ashley beside him to provide balance by holding his shoulders. This formation allows the Rangers to channel their collective power into the Quadro Blaster, enhancing its destructive potential.

Key Battles and Effectiveness

In one of its earliest uses, the Quadro Blaster was deployed against Ecliptor. Carlos summoned the weapon, and with the support of his teammates, fired a powerful blast that sent Ecliptor flying, breaking his body into glowing fragments.

The Quadro Blaster was instrumental in the battle against Mamamite. By combining its firepower with the Spiral Saber Booster Mode, the Rangers were able to deliver a potent combined blast that destroyed the monster.

During a battle with Lionizer, the Quadro Blaster, in conjunction with the Spiral Saber Booster Mode, managed to temporarily subdue the enemy. This temporary defeat allowed the Rangers to regroup and strategize their next move, showcasing the Quadro Blaster’s role in providing critical support during intense battles.

The Quadro Blaster’s combined blasts with the Spiral Saber Booster Mode successfully destroyed Horror Bull. Similarly, in a subsequent battle, the same combination was used to defeat a needle monster, although the creature quickly revived and grew larger.

In the ongoing struggle against the Psycho Rangers, the Quadro Blaster has been a key asset. Its blasts, along with those from the Spiral Saber Booster Mode, were effective in damaging the Psycho Rangers, although these formidable foes often managed to transform and continue the fight. Nonetheless, the Quadro Blaster’s contribution has been pivotal in weakening them.

In one of the climactic battles, the combined efforts of the Quadro Blaster and the Spiral Saber Booster Mode, followed by the Galaxy Rangers’ Orion fireball, ultimately led to the destruction of the Psycho Rangers.

The primary attack of the Quadro Blaster is a concentrated energy blast fired from the Satellite Stunner’s dish. This black and yellow sphere of energy, projected by blue energy bolts, is capable of causing significant destruction, making it effective against large and resilient foes.

When used in conjunction with other weapons, such as the Spiral Saber Booster Mode, the Quadro Blaster can enhance the overall firepower of the team. This synergy allows the Rangers to deliver coordinated attacks that maximize damage and disrupt enemy formations.