Power Eggs
The Power Eggs were two ancient eggs that contained a universe of power that could make a being unstoppable. |
First seen | Big Sisters |
Last seen | Big Sisters |
Series | Mighty Morphin Power Rangers |
The Morphing Masters
Millions of years ago, ancient sorcerers who were known as the Morphing Masters worked to hide a universe of power within two large mystical eggs. To protect the artifacts, they locked them in an enchanted chest and cast it out to sea on Earth. The Morphing Masters believed that as long as the eggs remained at sea, their ancient ancestors would look down upon the eggs and protect them from universal danger.

The chest was lost for years before being recovered by an unknown being. The chest was moved to a hidden cave, marked by a statue of a white angel at the entrance. Mounted on a magical altar, the chest was protected by a spell that ensured that only the touch of innocent child could open the box.
Rita finds the Power Eggs
In the weeks following her release from her imprisonment, Rita Repulsa located the cave containing the Power Eggs. Believing that she could use the eggs to surround the Rangers with an impenetrable evil force, she attempted to retrieve the eggs and instructed her henchman Squatt to approach the magical altar. Squatt was unable to open the box and was repelled by colored energy blasts.

Realising that nobody amongst her servants would be able to acquire the chest, Rita instead decided to capture a young girl named Maria, who was a friend of Trini and Kimberly in order to force her to steal the box. Upon learning of Maria’s kidnapping, Zordon was able to determine Rita’s intentions and warned that if she were successful, she would be unstoppable.

Now in possession of the Power Eggs, Goldar, Baboo and Squatt made their escape from the cave. However, they were ambushed by the Power Rangers, who were able to use their Blade Blaster pyramid formation to knock the chest from the grip of Goldar, and back into the sea. With the Power Eggs consigned to the seas, they were never seen again. [MMPR1: “Big Sisters“]