Battle Borgs

Black Battle Borg 

Black Battle Borg 
The Black Battle Borg is a crucial component of the Aquitian Rangers' defensive force, specifically controlled by Corcus, the Black Aquitian Ranger. (more…)

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Blue Battle Borg 

Blue Battle Borg 
The Blue Battle Borg is a vital part of the Aquitian Rangers' defense arsenal, controlled by Cestro, the Blue Aquitian Ranger. (more…)

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Red Battle Borg 

Red Battle Borg 
The Red Battle Borg is a crucial asset in the arsenal of the Aquitian Rangers, controlled by Aurico, the Red Aquitian Ranger. (more…)

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White Battle Borg 

White Battle Borg 
 The White Battle Borg is a significant asset in the Aquitian Rangers' arsenal, controlled by Delphine, the leader and White Aquitian Ranger. (more…)

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Yellow Battle Borg 

Yellow Battle Borg 
The Yellow Battle Borg is a powerful and essential asset in the Aquitian Rangers' arsenal, controlled by Tideus, the Yellow Aquitian Ranger. (more…)

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