
Artillatron is the massive vehicular Zord operated by the Phantom Ranger, designed to carry and deploy the Rescue Zords in battle.
First seen One Last Hope
Last seen Chase into Space, Part I
Series Power Rangers Turbo
Length (Vehicle) 120 m
(Warrior Mode) 54 m
Width 53 m
(Vehicle) 20 m
(Warrior Mode) 66 m
300 km/h

This formidable Zord is equipped with powerful shoulder-mounted cannons and can transform into a gigantic robot in its High Stance Mode. Artillatron is stored in a secret garage beneath Angel Grove and, while primarily operated by the Phantom Ranger, it can also be controlled remotely by the Turbo Rangers.

Design and Capabilities

Artillatron is a massive, train-like vehicle consisting of three interconnected sections. Each section is marked with specific numbers and carries different Rescue Zords:

  • The front section (“1”) carries the Lightning Fire Tamer.
  • The middle section (“5” and “3”) carries the Wind Rescue and Thunder Loader.
  • The rear section (“2” and “4”) carries the Siren Blaster and Star Racer.

Mounted above the rear section are two significant artillery cannons. One has a spinning turret, while the other has a claw hand covering a cannon barrel. These cannons can attach to either the Rescue Megazord or the Turbo Megazord, providing them with “Artillery Power” to unleash powerful blasts of energy at their targets.

Operation and Deployment

Artillatron can be summoned from its hidden location beneath Angel Grove, often emerging from what appears to be a domed sports stadium. It drives out like a train, with the Rescue Zords deployed from their respective compartments. The Phantom Ranger’s cockpit is located in the head of Artillatron, featuring a control panel with monitors linked to each Rescue Zord cockpit. This setup allows the Phantom Ranger to give directions to the Rangers during their operations.

When the Rescue Zords are deployed, Artillatron can transform into High Stance Mode, which involves lifting its front section onto the middle, then both onto the rear section. This transformation positions the cannons for use by the Rescue Megazord. However, Artillatron in High Stance Mode typically does not engage in combat itself but instead provides support with its artillery.

Introduction and Early Missions

Artillatron first appeared to assist the Rangers in retrieving the Rescue Zords and has been instrumental in subsequent battles. The Phantom Ranger initially controlled it, but later it was left in the care of the Turbo Rangers, who could operate it remotely.

Deployment of Rescue Zords

Whenever the Rangers needed the Rescue Zords, Artillatron would drive out from its holding bay and deploy them. This process was often initiated by the Rangers touching the right side of their helmets to activate their earpieces. Artillatron would then proceed to transform into its High Stance Mode to provide artillery support.

High-Stakes Battles

In several high-stakes battles, Artillatron’s artillery cannons were crucial. For example, during the battle against Goldgoyle, T.J., the Red Turbo Ranger, used the Lightning Cruiser to fire the Turbo R.A.M. into Goldgoyle’s mouth. The Turbo R.A.M. then exploded inside the monster, leading to its destruction. Artillatron’s artillery cannons have also been beamed to the Rescue Megazord, significantly enhancing its firepower during critical fights.

Remote Operation and Final Battles

In its final missions, Artillatron demonstrated its capability to operate autonomously. Even when the Phantom Ranger was not present, the Turbo Rangers could summon and control Artillatron to assist in battles. Its last significant action involved beaming the artillery cannons to the Rescue Megazord during the fight against Goldgoyle. Although the Rescue and Turbo Megazords were ultimately destroyed by Goldgoyle, there was no indication that Artillatron itself was destroyed.