

This was the final Dinozord to be acquired by the Rangers. When first introduced to battle, it was subject to a tug of war between the Rangers and the White Ranger. The Ankylozord can fire a missile from the tip of it's long tail, and is protected by the shield on its back. The Zord...

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The Brachiozord is the Zord of the Black Ranger. It taxis the Dino Thunder Zords into battle as well as the supplementary Zords. The Brachiozord is assumed to be another creation based on the research that created the other Zords. It was only first activated when found by Hayley, when Tommy first morphed into the...

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The Cephalazord was the first supplementary Zord to be discovered by the Rangers. The Cephalazord is a very fast creature which specialises in head butting and punch attacks. It can join with the Thundersaurus Megazord to form Thundersaurus Cepahlo Mode, which can perform a super punch special attack.

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The Dimetrozord was originally hatched thanks to Elsa, who immediately sent it on a rampage. The Rangers confronted the Zord with the Thundersaurus Megazord, and found it to be capable of defending itself. The encounter was cut short by a monster attack, but thanks to Tommy, the Zord was tamed and combined with the Thundersaurus...

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The Dragozord was one of two Zords found within hours of each other, the other being the Parasaur. As soon as it's egg hatched, it grew to giant size and did not require taming as the other Zords did. During one of it's first battles, it gained the ability to combine with the Stegazord to...

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The Parasaurzord was found shortly before Drago Zord hatched. It proved easy to tame it, and it was quickly under the control of the Black Ranger. The Parasaurzord has a scissor-like tail which becomes its main weapon when combined with the Thundersaurus Megazord, where it uses a finishing move called Final Cut.

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The Stegazord was one of the five supplementary Zords discovered by the Rangers. Shortly after it hatched, it was soon able to be used in battle alongside the Megazord, enabling use of the Surfboard Formation and the Hang Ten Attack. During a battle with the White Ranger, the Stegazord was captured and forced to combine...

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Valkasaurus Megazord

Valkasaurus Megazord
The Valkasaurus Megazord is formed when the Dragozord and Stegazord combine with the Thundersaurus Megazord, along with the helmet and axes from the Triceramax Megazord. This combination is capable of charging towards enemies at great speed thanks to Stegazord, who carries the Zord on its back. The Megazord can hurl its axes at enemies, as...

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