Ninja Megazord 

The Ninja Megazord was the combined form of five Ninjazords. Lacking a sword weapon, it could charge its fists to deliver a finishing blow.
First seen Ninja Quest, Part III
Last seen The Sound of Dischordia
Series Mighty Morphin Power Rangers
Height 58 m
Weight 7200 tons

The Ninja Quest

Following the destruction of the Thunderzords and the Mighty Morphin Power Rangers powers, Zordon sent the teens on a quest to locate the creator of their Power Coins. Zordon told them of a legendary lost temple hidden beneath the Desert of Despair. Though thought to be lost, Zordon and Alpha 5 possessed a map that they had found when they discovered the original Power Coins. [MMPR3: “Ninja Quest, Part II“]

Following the map through the desert, the teens found themselves in a large oriental garden. Towering over the garden was a temple, it’s gates locked. As the six teen approached, the gates swung open, allowing them to enter. Inside, the teens found Ninjor, who was unreceptive to their pleas for help. Recognising that they did not seek power out of greed, Ninjor agreed to help them in their quest to realise their inherent ninja spirits. Ninjor led the teens in a ceremony, guiding them to their ninja animals.

With the Rangers now in possession of new Ninja Power Coins, Ninjor summoned their new Ninjazords. As the image of the Zords appeared in the sky, he explained that this new fleet of Zords was one of power, grace and beauty. Ninjor explained that the Zords were driven by the force of Ninja, infused with the power of light and strength.

The new Zords were far superior to the Dinozords and Thunderzords of the past. Whereas before, the Ranger power came from the brute strength of the dinosaurs, if would now come from the swift, intelligent cunning of the Ninja. Ninjor told Rocky to learn from the mighty red Ape Ninjazord’s wisdom and strength. [MMPR3: “Ninja Quest, Part III“]