
The Ninjazords were the third set of Zords used by the Mighty Morphin Power Rangers. Based on the forms of the spirit animals of the Rangers, the Zords could combine to form stronger machines capable of taking on giant monsters.
First seen Ninja Quest, Part III
Last seen The Sound of Dischordia (all), Dimensions in Danger (Falconzord)
Series Mighty Morphin Power Rangers
Ape Ninjazord 

Ape Ninjazord 

The Ape Ninjazord was the personal zord of the Red Mighty Morphin Power Ranger , which could join with the other Ninjazords to form the Ninja Megazord .
Bear Ninjazord 

Bear Ninjazord 

The Bear Ninjazord was the personal zord of the Yellow Mighty Morphin Power Ranger , which could join with the other Ninjazords to form the Ninja Megazord .
Crane Ninjazord 

Crane Ninjazord 

The Crane Ninjazord was the personal zord of the Pink Mighty Morphin Power Ranger , which could join with the other Ninjazords to form the Ninja Megazord .


The Falconzord was the personal zord of the White Mighty Morphin Power Ranger , which could join with the other Ninjazords to form the Ninja MegaFalconzord .
Frog Ninjazord 

Frog Ninjazord 

The Frog Ninjazord was the personal zord of the Black Mighty Morphin Power Ranger , which could join with the other Ninjazords to form the Ninja Megazord .
Ninja MegaFalconzord 

Ninja MegaFalconzord 

The Ninja MegaFalconzord was the combined form of all six Ninjazords , capable of flight and delivering power punch attacks.
Ninja Megazord 

Ninja Megazord 

The Ninja Megazord was the combined form of five Ninjazords . Lacking a sword weapon, it could charge its fists to deliver a finishing blow.
Ninja Ultrazord

Ninja Ultrazord

The Ninja Ultrazord was the combination of the Ninja MegaFalconzord and Titanus . It was used to destroy the Face Stealer monster.
Wolf Ninjazord 

Wolf Ninjazord 

The Wolf Ninjazord was the personal zord of the Blue Mighty Morphin Power Ranger , which could join with the other Ninjazords to form the Ninja Megazord .