Power Morphers

The Power Morphers were the devices used in conjunction with the Power Coins to allow users to morph into the Mighty Morphin Power Rangers.
First seen Day of the Dumpster
Last seen Dimensions in Danger
Series Mighty Morphin Power Rangers
Power Rangers in Space
Power Rangers Wild Force
Power Rangers Dino Thunder
Power Rangers Super Megaforce
Power Rangers Super Ninja Steel

Keys to the Power

When Zordon first recruited ZackKimberlyBillyTrini and Jason to become Power Rangers, he granted them five Power Coins, each located in a device called a Power Morpher.

Rangers receive their Power Morphers
Rangers receive their Power Morphers

Zordon explained that each Ranger would be given access to extraordinary powers drawn from the ancient dinosaurs. Each Power Morpher was encased in a small black buckle which Zordon teleported onto the belt of each Ranger. The Power Morpher was a rectangular device, silver in color. At the center of the Power Morpher was the golden Power Coin, surrounded by a red border with the words “Power Rangers” written on it. The rear of the device was black in color, with a golden Z emblem at its center. The Power Morpher could be detached from the belt buckle and held with a sliding handle. To the right of the handle was a red circular button, which when pressed, would activate the Morpher.  

It’s Morphin Time

When activated, the silver plates surrounding the Power Coin would separate, revealing a red colored section that flashed when the name of the Ranger’s dinosaur was called.

The activated Power Morpher
The activated Power Morpher

This would then cause the Ranger suit to materialise around the user, with the Power Morpher closing and relocating the belt buckle of the Ranger. When the teens were attacked by the Putty Patrol, they reluctantly used their Power Morphers to transform in the Mighty Morphin Power Rangers. When morphed, the Power Morphers sometimes appeared to have four black bolts surround the Power Coin. [MMPR1: “Day of the Dumpster“]

Summoning the Morphers
Summoning the Morphers

The Rangers kept their Power Morphers and Coins hidden from view as part of their secret identities. To summon their Power Morphers, each Ranger would reach behind their back to retrieve the device. Normally, at least one teen would say “It’s morphin’ time!”, although this did not appear to always be required. It was unclear if the Power Morphers and Coins were physically stored on their persons in a pocket or if the Power Morphers materialised in their hands. [MMPR1: “High Five“]

Power Morpher sans Coin
Power Morpher sans Coin

When the Rangers would remove the Power Coins from the Power Morphers, a small red plate was exposed, showing a circle of small holes behind where each Power Coin would rest. [MMPR1: “Different Drum“] The Power Morpher of the Green Ranger was similar to the Morphers of the Power Rangers with the exception of being gold in color rather than silver. [MMPR1: “Green With Evil, Part I“]  

Thefts and losses

When abducted to the Dark Dimension, Jason found that his Power Morpher was inaccessible to him, as it appeared to have been stolen by Goldar. [MMPR1: “Green With Evil, Part II“] Despite managing to retrieve the Power Morpher, Jason appeared to be unable to use it when the Green Ranger stood on his arm, pinning it to the ground. [MMPR1: “Green With Evil, Part III“].

The Power Morphers backfire
The Power Morphers backfire

A short time later, neither Jason nor any of the others would be able to morph when an interdimensional power surge shut down all power sources in the Command Center and the Morphing Grid. When the teens attempted to morph, their Power Morphers backfired, each exploding in a hail of sparks in their hands. During the shutdown, Jason was seen to inspect his Power Morpher, opening and closing it in an attempt to activate it. [MMPR1: “Green With Evil, Part IV“] In late 1993, Rita was able to abduct the teens to her Island of Illusion. Just as had happened with Jason in the Dark Dimension, the teens each found that their Power Coins (and presumably their Power Morphers) were missing. [MMPR1: “Island of Illusion, Part I“] The only helpful inhabitant of the island appeared to be a creature called Quagmire, who was able to advise the teens on how to resist the hallucinations the island caused but could not tell them how to find their Power Coins. However, when each teen was able to overcome their own personal illusion, they found their Power Coins had been with them all along. [MMPR1: “Island of Illusion, Part II“]  

The Green Candle

A short time later, Rita attempted to reclaim the Green Ranger’s Power Coin by utilizing a magic candle that, when fully burned, would return the power to her. Rita sent the Putty Patrol to attack Tommy and Kimberly, but Kimberly managed to drop her Power Morpher in the battle.

Green Ranger's Power Morpher
Green Ranger’s Power Morpher

As soon as the Putties realised she had dropped it, they immediately began distracting her by kicking and throwing it through the air as she fought to retrieve it. In the confusion, the other Putties managed to overwhelm Tommy. Seperated from her Morpher and with a restrained Tommy unable to reach his, Goldar was able to abduct Tommy to the Dark Dimension. As they disappeared, Kimberly’s Power Morpher was left in the dirt where she sat. Upon arrival in the Dark Dimension, a Putty Patroller stole Tommy’s Power Morpher and handed it to Goldar. Tommy would manage to use Goldar’s sword to teleport both him and Goldar back to Angel Grove and snatch his Power Morpher back from the startled Goldar. [MMPR1: “The Green Candle, Part I“]

Red Ranger's golden Morpher
Red Ranger’s golden Morpher

The Green Ranger decided to pass his Power Coin to the Red Ranger to stop Rita, knowing that in doing so, he would no longer be a Power Ranger. With the coin now belonging to Jason, it was safe from Rita’s grasp. [MMPR1: “The Green Candle, Part II“] The Red Ranger could now summon the Dragon Shield and Dragon Dagger, which which he could control the Dragonzord. When summoning the Dragon Shield, his Power Morpher would change from its normal silver color to gold, matching that of the Green Ranger’s. [MMPR1: “Birds of a Feather“]  

Green and White

In mid 1994, Tommy’s body become electrically charged with green energy which he absorbed when he breached the force field that surrounded Goldar’s Power Coin box. Alpha 5’s scans showed that this energy had also restored Tommy’s Green Ranger powers, allowing him to morph again. [MMPR1: “Return of an Old Friend, Part II“]

The Rangers get the Morphers back
The Rangers get the Morphers back

Similar to Rita’s Dark Dimension, the teens were unable to summon their Power Morphers when they were abducted to Lord Zedd’s Otherworld. Lord Zedd taunted the Rangers, explaining that their Power Morphers were useless in that realm. With the Green Ranger stuck in the Otherworld alone, Lord Zedd was able to use a Green Crystal to absorb the Green Ranger powers. With the crystal charged, he raised a forcefield around Zordon’s Command Center, preventing the Rangers from using their powers. [MMPR2: “Green No More, Part I“] When Tommy managed to destroy the crystal, the forcefield dissipated and the teens were able to summon their Power Morphers again. [MMPR2: “Green No More, Part II“]

White Ranger morphing
White Ranger morphing

The Power Morpher of the White Ranger was gold in color, just as the Green Ranger’s had been. [MMPR2: “White Light, Part II“] When Tommy attempted to use this Morpher on Halloween of 1995, it was snatched from his hands before he could activate it by the Tombstone monster. The Blue Ranger would later deliver a kick to the monster so powerful that would cause it to throw the Power Morpher into the air. Catching the Morpher, the Blue Ranger then tossed it to Tommy, allowing him to morph into the White Ranger. [MMPR2: “Zedd’s Monster Mash“]  

The Power Transfer

When Zordon began the ceremony to pass the Ranger power from Jason, Zack and Trini to RockyAdam and Aisha, he charged the Sword of Light with energy and the powers from each of the three departing Rangers appeared to transfer to the new recruits.

The Power Transfer
The Power Transfer

The three new teens were instantly morphed into Power Rangers. The departing Rangers remained in their morphed forms, each appearing to still possess duplicate Power Morphers, Power Coins and Blade Blasters. Moments later, they were teleported out of the Command Center and back to their civilian lives. [MMPR2: “The Power Transfer, Part II“]  

Duplicates and alternates

The Wizard of Deception created a clone of Tommy who once again possessed the powers of the Green Ranger, including his Power Morpher. The Wizard used magic to send the Rangers back in time to 1790’s era Angel Grove. Upon arrival, the teens attempted to summon their Morphers and failed. Billy reasoned that this was due to the fact that they would not meet Zordon for another 200 years, so they did not have access to the Morphers yet. [MMPR2: “Return of the Green Ranger, Part II“] The White Ranger later appeared to strip the Green Ranger clone of his powers using the wand captured from the defeated Wizard. As the White Ranger touched the wand to the Green Ranger, he demorphed into his human form. [MMPR2: “Return of the Green Ranger, Part III“]

The frozen Power Morphers
The frozen Power Morphers

Rocky, Tommy and Kimberly were later trapped Grumble’s storybook, they found that their Morphers were frozen solid due to the cold conditions. When they attempted to activate them, the Power Morphers made a dying mechanical sound. [MMPR2: “Storybook Rangers, Part I“] When Kimberly was sent to 1880, she sought help from the past versions of Zordon and Alpha 5. Obtaining the Power Coins of that era, Kim presented them to the ancestors of the 1994 Power Ranger team. The teens agreed to use the coins and Abraham, Rocko, William and Miss Alisha became the first Earthlings to use the Power Coins. However, these version of the Power Rangers lacked Power Morphers, appearing to use the coins directly. [MMPR2: “Wild West Rangers, Part II“]  

Attack of the clone

When Rita transformed a statue of Billy into an evil duplicate, the clone began stealing the Power Morphers and Coins from the five other Rangers.

Billy clone steals the Morphers
Billy clone steals the Morphers

Unusually, each of the teens appeared to keep their Power Morphers in their school backpacks, rather than on their person. Just as before, when the real Billy was abducted to Rita’s Dark Dimension, his Power Morpher was stolen from him. When the clone was discovered, he was drawn into a scuffle with the real Billy, who began to morph. With the clone attempting to grab the Power Morpher, both Billy’s transformed into seperate Blue Rangers. However, the clone was destroyed by the combined effort of five Blade Blaster lasers and Saba. [MMPR2: “Blue Ranger Gone Bad“]  

The Ninja Powers

The Rangers did not require Power Morphers to access their Ninja Ranger forms, however, large versions of the Ninja Power Coins were present on the chests of each Ninja Ranger.

Ninja Rangers morphing
Ninja Rangers morphing

When in Ninja Ranger form, the Ranger would still use a Power Morpher to morph into their Power Ranger form, now using their Ninja Power Coins. [MMPR3: “Ninja Quest, Part III“] The Ninja Rangers appeared to be able to summon the Power Morphers from the large Ninja Coins on their chests. [MMPR3: “Wizard for a Day“, “Changing of the Zords, Part III”, “Another Brick in the Wall“] When Kat, under Rita’s evil spell, stole Kimberly’s Ninja Power Coin, it appeared to be kept in her backpack, possibly separate from the Power Morpher. [MMPR3: “Changing of the Zords, Part I”] Despite drawing power from the Ninja Power Coins, in Power Ranger form, the Rangers’ Power Morphers still appeared to contain their original Power Coins. [MMPR3: “Changing of the Zords, Part III”] When Master Vile’s Orb of Doom turned back time, the teens, now regressed to children, were unable to summon their Power Morphers. [MMPR3: “Rangers in Reverse“] Young Billy concluded that their Ninja Powers no longer existed as time had been reversed. This was the similar to the conclusion he reached when the teens were sent back to the 1790’s by the Wizard of Deception. [MMPR3: “Alien Rangers of Aquitar, Part I“] With the Rangers now using the Power of the Zeo Crystal, their Power Morphers and suits now adorned the rear wall of the Power Chamber. However, it is unclear if these were  real or merely replicas. [PRZ: “A Zeo Beginning, Part II”]  

Future of the Power Morphers

In 1997, Adam visited his successor Carlos in Angel Grove, following Adam’s retiral from Ranger duties. Adam revealed that he still had his Power Morpher and Power Coin in his possession, which was now charred and visibly cracked following the battle with Rito in 1995.

Adam's damaged Power Morpher
Adam’s damaged Power Morpher

Alpha 6 explained to Adam that he should never attempt to use the broken Power Morpher as it would likely destroy him if he tried. Adam later ignored Alpha 6’s warning and managed to morph into the Black Ranger. When morphed, the Power Morpher and Coin appeared undamaged, but the suit was unable to stay intact causing pain and ultimately demorphing a few minutes later. [PRiS: “Always a Chance“] When Jason joined the team of Red Rangers on the Moon to stop General Venjix from retrieving Serpentera, he presented an undamaged Power Morpher and Power Coin, and inexplicably was able to morph into a fully operational Red Mighty Morphin Power Ranger, despite his powers having been passed to Rocky and subsequently lost like Adam’s. [PRWF: “Forever Red“] Many years later, Tommy was rendered comatose following the shattering of his Dino Gem. From his hospital bed, Tommy dreamed that he fought his former Ranger forms, including his Green Ranger form, who was once again wearing his Power Morpher. [PRDT: “Fighting Spirit”]

Ten years later, Sentinel Knight assembled a team of veteran Rangers to support the Operation Overdrive Rangers. Channelling some of his own energy, he was able to restore the powers of the Black Mighty Mighty Power Ranger. [PROO: “Once a Ranger, Part I”] The Black Ranger later fought in the battle against Thrax. [PROO: “Once a Ranger, Part II”]  

Legendary Power

The Super Megaforce Rangers were able to use the Mighty Morphin Ranger Keys to transform into the Mighty Morphin Power Rangers. Despite using Ranger Keys to transform, the Power Ranger suits still featured Power Morphers on their belts. [PRSM: “Samurai Surprise”]

Mighty Morphin Super Megaforce
Mighty Morphin Super Megaforce

During Prince Vekar’s invasion of Earth, Tommy led a team of Legendary Rangers in a final battle against the invading forces, now inexplicably able to transform into the Green Ranger including his Power Morpher, despite the powers being destroyed. [PRSNSt: “Dimensions in Danger“]