Mighty Morphin Zords



The Dinozords were the first set of Zords used by the Mighty Morphin Power Rangers . Based on the forms of the ancient Earth dinosaurs, the Zords could combine to form stronger machines capable of taking on giant monsters.
Dino Megazord Tank Mode

Dino Megazord Tank Mode

The Megazord Tank Mode was the rolling form of the Dinozords . Armed with a large cannons, it was capable of stunning giant sized monsters.


The Dragonzord was the personal zord of the Green Mighty Morphin Power Ranger , which could join with the other Dinozords and Titanus to form the Ultrazord .
Dragonzord Fighting Mode 

Dragonzord Fighting Mode 

Dragonzord Fighting Mode was the Megazord formed from the Dragonzord , Mastodon , Triceratops and Saber-toothed Tiger Dinozords . It was armed with a large staff with a drill at its tip.
Mastodon Dinozord 

Mastodon Dinozord 

The Mastodon Dinozord was the personal zord of the Black Mighty Morphin Power Ranger , which could join with the other Dinozords to form the Megazord .
Mega Dragonzord 

Mega Dragonzord 

The Mega Dragonzord was the combined form of the Megazord and Dragonzord . It could combine with Titanus to become the Ultrazord .


The Megazord was the combined form of the Dinozords . Armed with a large Power Sword, it was capable of destroying giant sized monsters. It could combine with Dragonzord and Titanus to become the Ultrazord .
Pterodactyl Dinozord 

Pterodactyl Dinozord 

 The Pterodactyl Dinozord was the personal zord of the Pink Mighty Morphin Power Ranger , which could join with the other Dinozords to form the Megazord .
Saber-Toothed Tiger Dinozord 

Saber-Toothed Tiger Dinozord 

The Saber-Toothed Tiger Dinozord was the personal zord of the Yellow Mighty Morphin Power Ranger , which could join with the other Dinozords to form the Megazord .


Titanus was the carrierzord ally of the Mighty Morphin Power Rangers . It was capable of combining with the Dinozords , Ninjazords and Shogunzords .
Triceratops Dinozord 

Triceratops Dinozord 

The Triceratops Dinozord was the personal zord of the Blue Mighty Morphin Power Ranger , which could join with the other Dinozords to form the Megazord .
Tyrannosaurus Dinozord 

Tyrannosaurus Dinozord 

The Tyrannosaurus Dinozord was the personal zord of the Red Mighty Morphin Power Ranger , which could join with the other Dinozords to form the Megazord .


Ultrazord was the combination of all of the Mighty Morphin Power Rangers Dinozords .


The Ninjazords were the third set of Zords used by the Mighty Morphin Power Rangers . Based on the forms of the spirit animals of the Rangers, the Zords could combine to form stronger machines capable of taking on giant monsters.
Ape Ninjazord 

Ape Ninjazord 

The Ape Ninjazord was the personal zord of the Red Mighty Morphin Power Ranger , which could join with the other Ninjazords to form the Ninja Megazord .
Bear Ninjazord 

Bear Ninjazord 

The Bear Ninjazord was the personal zord of the Yellow Mighty Morphin Power Ranger , which could join with the other Ninjazords to form the Ninja Megazord .
Crane Ninjazord 

Crane Ninjazord 

The Crane Ninjazord was the personal zord of the Pink Mighty Morphin Power Ranger , which could join with the other Ninjazords to form the Ninja Megazord .


The Falconzord was the personal zord of the White Mighty Morphin Power Ranger , which could join with the other Ninjazords to form the Ninja MegaFalconzord .
Frog Ninjazord 

Frog Ninjazord 

The Frog Ninjazord was the personal zord of the Black Mighty Morphin Power Ranger , which could join with the other Ninjazords to form the Ninja Megazord .
Ninja MegaFalconzord 

Ninja MegaFalconzord 

The Ninja MegaFalconzord was the combined form of all six Ninjazords , capable of flight and delivering power punch attacks.
Ninja Megazord 

Ninja Megazord 

The Ninja Megazord was the combined form of five Ninjazords . Lacking a sword weapon, it could charge its fists to deliver a finishing blow.
Ninja Ultrazord

Ninja Ultrazord

The Ninja Ultrazord was the combination of the Ninja MegaFalconzord and Titanus . It was used to destroy the Face Stealer monster.
Wolf Ninjazord 

Wolf Ninjazord 

The Wolf Ninjazord was the personal zord of the Blue Mighty Morphin Power Ranger , which could join with the other Ninjazords to form the Ninja Megazord .


The Shogunzords were the fourth and final set of Zords used by the Mighty Morphin Power Rangers . Initially dormant and thought to be lost, they were discovered by Finster , Squatt and Baboo .
Black Shogunzord 

Black Shogunzord 

The Black Shogunzord was the personal zord of the Black Mighty Morphin Power Ranger , which could join with the other Shogunzords to form the Shogun Megazord .
Blue Shogunzord 

Blue Shogunzord 

The Blue Shogunzord was the personal zord of the Blue Mighty Morphin Power Ranger , which could join with the other Shogunzords to form the Shogun Megazord .
Red Shogunzord 

Red Shogunzord 

The Red Shogunzord was the personal zord of the Red Mighty Morphin Power Ranger , which could join with the other Shogunzords to form the Shogun Megazord .
Shogun MegaFalconzord 

Shogun MegaFalconzord 

The Shogun MegaFalconzord was the combined form of the Shogun Megazord and the Falconzord . The Shogun MegaFalconzord could fire rapid blasts from the Falconzord's wings to destroy giant monsters.
Shogun Megazord 

Shogun Megazord 

The Shogun Megazord was the combined form of the Shogunzords . It was equipped with a large sword which could ignite to destroy giant monsters.
Shogun Ultrazord

Shogun Ultrazord

The Shogun Ultrazord was the Shogun MegaFalconzord and Titanus . It was used to destroy Dischordia .
White Shogunzord 

White Shogunzord 

The White Shogunzord was the zord of the White Mighty Morphin Power Ranger and Pink Mighty Morphin Power Ranger,  which could join with the other Shogunzords to form the Shogun Megazord .
Yellow Shogunzord 

Yellow Shogunzord 

The Yellow Shogunzord was the personal zord of the Yellow Mighty Morphin Power Ranger , which could join with the other Shogunzords to form the Shogun Megazord .


The Thunderzords were the second set of Zords used by the Mighty Morphin Power Rangers . Based on the remains of the Dinozords and equipped with the power of thunder, the Zords could combine to form stronger machines capable of taking on giant monsters.
Firebird Thunderzord 

Firebird Thunderzord 

The Firebird Thunderzord was the personal Zord of the Pink Mighty Morphin Power Ranger . Built from the remains of the Pterodactyl Dinozord , it could combine with the other Thunderzords to form the Thunder Megazord .
Griffin Thunderzord 

Griffin Thunderzord 

The Griffin Thunderzord was the personal Zord of the Yellow Mighty Morphin Power Ranger . Built from the remains of the Saber-toothed Tiger Dinozord , it could combine with the other Thunderzords to form the Thunder Megazord .
Lion Thunderzord 

Lion Thunderzord 

The Lion Thunderzord was the personal Zord of the Black Mighty Morphin Power Ranger . Built from the remains of the Mastodon Dinozord , it could combine with the other Thunderzords to form the Thunder Megazord .
Mega Tigerzord 

Mega Tigerzord 

The Mega Tigerzord was the Megazord formed of the White Tigerzord and the Thunderzord Assault Team . It could propel the Firebird Thunderzord at a speed great enough to destroy giant-sized monsters.
Red Dragon Thunderzord

Red Dragon Thunderzord

The Red Dragon Thunderzord was the personal zord of the Red Mighty Morphin Power Ranger . Based on the remains of the Tyrannosaurus Dinozord and equipped with the power of thunder, the Zord could combine with the other Thunderzords to form the Thunder Megazord .
Red Dragon Thunderzord (Warrior Mode)

Red Dragon Thunderzord (Warrior Mode)

Red Dragon Warrior Mode was the bipedal mode of the Red Dragon Thunderzord . Equipped with a large staff, it could combine with the other Thunderzords to form the Thunder Megazord .


Serpentera was the gigantic Zord built and commanded by Lord Zedd . Capable of destroying entire planets, it could operate in both space and atmosphere.
Thunder Megazord

Thunder Megazord

The Thunder Megazord was the combined form of the Thunderzords . Built from the remains of the Dinozords and armed with a large Thunder Saber, it could destroy giant-sized monsters.
Thunder Ultrazord

Thunder Ultrazord

The Thunder Ultrazord was the combined form of the Mighty Morphin Power Rangers ' six Thunderzords with Tor the Shuttlezord . It was heavy enough to crush giant-sized monsters.
Thunderzord Assault Team

Thunderzord Assault Team

The Thunderzord Assault Team was the Thunderzord equivalent of tank mode . The formation was made up of either four or five Thunderzords and allowed all five to fly as part of the combination .
Tor the Shuttlezord

Tor the Shuttlezord

Tor the Shuttlezord was the autonomous carrierzord to the Mighty Morphin Power Ranger's Thunderzords . Featuring heavy armor, it could protect the Thunderzords and recharge them when docked inside its shell.
Tor the Shuttlezord (Warrior Mode)

Tor the Shuttlezord (Warrior Mode)

Tor the Shuttlezord (Warrior Mode) was the reconfiguration of Tor's carrierzord mode. Featuring missile launchers and armor, it could protect the Red Dragon Thunderzord (Warrior Mode) and recharge it when docked inside its shell.
Unicorn Thunderzord 

Unicorn Thunderzord 

The Unicorn Thunderzord was the personal Zord of the Blue Mighty Morphin Power Ranger . Built from the remains of the Triceratops Dinozord , it could combine with the other Thunderzords to form the Thunder Megazord .
White Tigerzord

White Tigerzord

The White Tigerzord was the personal Zord of the White Mighty Morphin Power Ranger . Built by Zordon and Alpha 5 , it could combine with the other Thunderzords and Tor .
White Tigerzord (Warrior Mode)

White Tigerzord (Warrior Mode)

White Tigerzord Warrior Mode was the bipedal mode of the White Tigerzord . Equipped with a large sword, it could combine with the other Thunderzords and Tor .